Tata Docomo USSD Codes

USSDThe Tata Docomo USSD Codes in India has also been added below on this page. Note that these are the most commonly used USSD codes. Likewise for the Tata Docomo mobile phone network. There are other USSD code for them as well on this website. see also the  more extensive set of codes which are not used very often. You can find them on the links on the side of this page near the top. Likewise the Reliance postpaid USSD Codes.

Tata Docomo USSD Codes

You will note that these USSD codes for the Tata Docomo network. Likewise this is used for checking your balance, check your last 3 recharges. In addition to check your SMS status on the network. You can also stop as well as start services with these codes. Additionally to activate new services or packages which you might have bought. Likewise also see the African USSD codes on here as well as the Reliance SMS Shortcode.  

Tata Docomo USSD Codes

TATA Docomo Balance Check Code  *111#
TATA Docomo Check 2G/3G Internet (Docomo Balance Check) *111*1#
Activate new services or Internet Packs *141#
TATA Docomo Last 3 recharges Check Code *191#
TATA Docomo Balance Enquiry Check Code *191*2#
TATA Docomo Validity CheckCode *191*3#
TATA Docomo Service Check Code *191*4#
TATA Docomo Last 3 recharges Check Code *191*5#
TATA Docomo Start/Stop Services Check Code *191*7#
TATA Docomo Service Request Check Code *191*8#
TATA Docomo Daily SMS Count Code *191*9*3#
TATA Docomo Daily Data Check Check Code *191*9*4#
TATA Docomo Daily Call Check  Check Code *191*9*5#
TATA Docomo Prepaid Bill Request Check Code *191*9*6#
TATA Docomo Special Offers Code *191*9*8#
TATA Docomo 3G Internet Packs Check Code (Docomo Balance Check) *141*1#
TATA Docomo GPRS Net Packs Check Code *141*4#
TATA Docomo Discount Zone code *141*8#
TATA Docomo Unlimited Music Code *141*6#
  Likewise the Tata Docomo USSD Services as well as the BSNL USSD Codes and Reliance India USSD Codes on here.    
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