Protect Your Bubble Insurance

Protect your Bubble is a well known company that offers insurance cover for your mobile phone and other devices in both the US and the UK. The company is large and well know and they do spend a fair amount on advertising. Some of the most common complaints about this company has got to do with what gets covers and the excess for a claim.

We have listed some of the below so you know what the most common issue are with this mobile phone insurance company.

Protect your Bubble Insurance covers the following:

  • Theft
  • Accidental and Liquid Damage
  • Breakdown outside of the manufacturers warranty
  • Unauthorised calls up to £100
  • Worldwide cover
  • Optional Extra – Loss (£1 extra per month)

The problems is that many do not understand the following which I am going to highlight it again. You can only lodge 2 claims in any given year for each insured mobile device. Note that there is an excess of £75 in the case of a loss or £50 excess for any other claim type. There is also a common misunderstanding about mobile phone replacement and this can be seen fro the comments as listed below:

1. First they said my receipt did not have serial no for the device –  Note when buying your phone and insurance together is to include the serial number on the receipt.

2. to be told I have to pay £50 excess I never even knew about – Note above the excess for Protect your Bubble and how the excess varies with the claim.

These two complaints make up the bulk of the complaints about the company outside of being put on hold all the time of the call center not being able to manage the claim process. The are a number of other insurance companies for you mobile phone or your other mobile devices.

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