Global Smartphone Statistics

These are the global smartphone statistics. See the article on mobile phone usage stats after you have read the smartphone statistics worldwide below. With the increase in mobile phone usage there has also been an increase in mobile phone theft globally. In 2016 according to Statista there are 2.08 billion smartphone users worldwide. The penetration of mobile-phones in general will be expected to reach more than 5 billion by 2019.

Global Smartphone Statistics

Of the 5 billion phones by 2019 at least 2.5 billion are expected to be smartphones. China now leads to Smartphone usage glballysmartphone industry and this market alone it expected to reach 690 million smartphone users by 2019. This would be about half of the Chinese population. From the stats above you will note that China will be home to 25% of the smartphone users globally. Likewise also see the smartphone ownership as well as the mobile audio content as well.

The US market is also large but not as large as the Chinese market. The US market will hold about 230 million smartphone users by the same time. This is the global smartphone statistics below. Lastly see also the mobile phone usage and stolen and unauthorised usage.

The largest operating systems are still Google’s Android and Apple’s iOS. Most smartphones have been sold with either of these two operating systems. Android still has 80 percent of the market and iOS holds 15 percent of the market. The leading vendors are now Samsung (25%) and Apple (15%). These are followed by Chinese brands being Lenovo, Huawei as well as Xiaomi.

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