Stolen – Unauthorised Usage

Stolen – unauthorised usage phones. If your mobile phone is stolen then you need to ensure that you have “unauthorised usage” protection in your insurance. In 2013 Ofcomm (Independent regulator and competition authority for the UK communications industries) stated that if you doubt your phone has been stolen or lost then report it immediately.

Stolen – Unauthorised Usage

Stolen Phones - Unauthorised UsageOn average consumers pay more than £65 on their bill for a lost of stolen phone as it was not report in time and massive telephone bills had been run up against the account. Most insurance policies will only cover your from the time the phone was reported stolen. Likewise see also the Switched On insurance coverage on here.

If you phone was stolen now and the thief ran up more than £1000 of calls and you only report it tomorrow. You will sill be liable for the calls between the phone being stolen and your reporting date and time. There is no industry limit as yet with regard to a liability cap on this and will more likely than not be another agreement within the industry and the government. Likewise also see the mobile signal boosting as well as how to report lost or stolen phones.


Stolen Phone Common Mistakes:

  • – Waiting for the phone to be found without reporting it lost or stolen;
  • – You will be billed up to the time you reported the phone stolen;
  • – Reporting 24 hours after the phone is stolen or missing makes you liable for all calls during that 24 hour period;

What to do before it is stolen:

  • – Always treat your mobile phone as you would your bank card or credit/debit cards;
  • – Always put a password on both your handset and SIM to make it difficult to use when stolen;
  • – Always keep your mobile phones IMEI number, as well as the make and model number;
  • – Always consider blocking all calls to international and premium rate numbers;
  • – Always check the terms and conditions on your mobile phone insurance policy;
  • – Always consider using apps which can track your mobile phone if it is lost/stolen; and
  • – Always register your phone with a database such as Immobilise. See also the nuisance calls on here.
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