Mobile Phone Usage

See the mobile phone usage on here. If you have ever wondered what the mobile-phone usage stats are globally then you will be interested in this post. The stats was last updated in 2014 and was conducted by the Pew Research group. Note that smartphone usage is increasing however not as fast as what was expected. From the smartphone demographics it is mainly the 35-40 year old group that makes use of smartphones.

Mobile Phone Usage

Mobile Phone UsageAs of October 2014 you will note that 64% of American adults owned a smartphone. The mobile phone market can also be seen that:

  • 90% of American adults own a cell phone
  • 32% of American adults own an e-reader
  • 42% of American adults own a tablet computer

The largest increase has been from tablet computers. We have seen this grow from 3% in 2010 to a whopping 45% by 2015. Mobile phones have grown much slower from 82% to 92 percent during the same time period. Smartphones is catching up as it becomes much cheaper. This has grown from 35% in 2010 to 68% in 2015. Desktop computers have gone down slightly as it appears that people are using tablet computers instead of the usual notebook computers.

Device Ownership Over Time

We have seen that Google has also been giving mobile ready website better search results. The demographics in the UK and the US is clearly different. More American search the internet on mobile phones that the UK. People are also becoming more depended on their mobile phones. See the study from the Internet Advertising Bureau (IAB) where people would rather spend time on their smartphone than having any form of quite time. See more on the mobile phone usage as well. Likewise see also the global smartphone statistics as well as the stolen unauthorised usage as well.

We have seen that Google has also been giving mobile ready website better search results. The demographics in the UK and the US is clearly different. More American search the internet on mobile phones that the UK. People are also becoming more depended on their mobile phones. See the study from the Internet Advertising Bureau (IAB) where people would rather spend time on their smartphone than having any form of quite time. In addition also see the smartphone ownership as well as deceptive advertising.


It is clear that the mobile phone is starting to displace the desktop computer and the notebook computer. With better processors such as the SmartDragon processors and better video quality more people are using their mobile phones instead of the desktop computers at home. This is the mobile phone usage as well. Lastly there is also the Qualcomm Snapdragon S4 Pro APQ8064 on here.

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