Smartphone Ownership

See the smartphone ownership. The global usage of smartphones in 2014 was in the region of 22% of the global population. We can see this as growing from the smartphone statistics worldwide on this website. It is predicted that by 2017 about 1/3 of the users in the world will be using a smartphone.

Smartphone Ownership

Note how fast this has occurred. In 2011 there had only been less than 10% of the global users owning a smartphone. From 10% to 33% in 6 years is a remarkable jump in user numbers globally. Technology Smartphone Users Globally Statshas also become much cheaper however most of the growth has been in Asia and the US with Western Europe also predicted to show fast growth. See the mobile phone usage as well.

It is estimated by Statista that 65% of Western Europeans will own a smartphone by 2017. The US market will be at 65%  while the Middle East and Africa lag behind with 14% by 2017. Likewise see also the Global Smartphone Statistics as well as South African APN Settings as well.

In 2010 there had been 300 million smartphones sold. In 2013 this figure was just under 1 billion units. The smartphone market clearly is either going to come up with more ‘tricks’ for the phones as it becomes clear that there will be market saturation by 2020. Samsung and Apple are still the main market vendors follows by Chinese brands. Lastly see the 3G Bands article as well as the smartphone demographics.

There has also been an increase in smartphone theft however due to the number of smartphones on the market the lower mobile phone insurance has become.

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